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Monday, 26 March 2012

I give credit where credit is due. For someone who cannot sing she has had an amazing career. I understand the pressure of getting older and having to look younger, just on a day to day school run basis. So I am unable to imagine the pressure of getting older but having to look younger in the entertainment industry. 
 I have had Botox, and dabbled with fillers. More recently I have taken to listening to One Direction, theory being your only as old as the boy band you are listening too.
However there does come a time when one has to give up the goose. In this case give up the pants. Maybe I am older than I first thought.

Sunday, 25 March 2012

Emeli Sande

'when the skies are grey and all the doors are closing, and the raising pressure makes it hard to breathe, when all I need is a hand to stop the tears from falling, I will find him next to me.'
 Next to Me. Emeli Sande.

Monday, 19 March 2012

March Moives.

The best exotic Marigold Hotel.
I loved loved loved it. 
Go see it.

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Collecting the Eggs.

There is just something so lovely about collecting the eggs.
The sense of enjoyment eating what you produce never fails to amaze me.
 Just so simple, a boiled egg.
So tomorrow morning remember to enjoy your breakfast.